“True teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross; then, having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create their own.”― Nikos Kazantzakis
All the candidates who appeared in CTET are hereby informed that the scanned images of OMR answer sheets of the candidates & answer keys will be uploaded on the website ctet.nic.in . Do note that the CBSE does not dispatch results separately to the candidates. CTET Answer Key will only be available on CTET and CBSE official websites . So, if the candidates are willing to challenge the CTET CBSE Answer Key, they should do it before the deadline.
Visit the official CTET website. or click on the link mentioned above
Step 1. Visit the official ctet.nic.in website.
Step 2. Click on the lower green bar on the page, saying view image of OMR Sheet.
Click on “Download CBSE CTET answer key link.
Step 3. A new webpage will open with two links on the same page.
One link is for candidates to download the answer key, another link asks for those specific candidates who feels that the score obtained is invalid and they can send it for rechecking.
Step 4. Once you enter your Roll number and D/O/B, click on login to access the score card.
The CTET answer key for paper 1 and 2 is provided. As the exam was held in two sessions, the different set codes were used for both papers. Answer keys will be released for different set codes on the same page.
By entering your roll number and date of birth, answer keys for both the papers will be presented before you. Now you may select any according to the preferences required.
For submission of key challenges:
- A fee of Rs.1000/- per question will be required to be submitted through credit/debit card.
- The fee once paid is non-refundable. If the challenge is accepted by the Board i.e. if any mistake is noticed by the subject experts in the answer key, a policy decision will be notified on the website and the fee shall be refunded.
- The refund (if any) will be transferred online to the concerned credit/debit card account so, the candidates are advised to pay from their own credit/debit card. CBSE’s decision on the challenges shall be final and no further communication will be entertained.
How to calculate CTET score on the basis of OMR SHEETS and ANSWER KEYS?
- CTET aspirants can calculate their score with the help of OMR sheets and answer keys released on websites.
- OMR sheets can be downloaded using Roll number and login details. Each correct answer will score 1 mark and there is no negative marking for the wrong answers.
- Candidate will be able to get a copy of their OMR sheet on the payment of Rs. 500 per OMR.
- The fee can be paid through Demand draft in favor of Secretary, Central Board of Secondary Education drawn on any Nationalized Bank and payable at Delhi. In case of any discrepancy in the answer key, a candidate can submit the objection to CBSE through the official Portal.
- The department will provide a schedule for all the activities related to CTET answer key on the official website.
- The official notification states “NO request for rechecking, Reassessment, Re evaluation or scrutiny for OMR sheets would be acknowledged.
- The minimum qualifying marks for CTET is 60%. Thus the candidate securing (>=60) will be declared as CTET qualified.
CTET (CENTRAL TEACHER ELIGIBILITY TEST) conducted by NCTE is the minimum qualifications for a person to be eligible for appointment as a teacher for class I to VIII. For determining the eligibility of B.ED degree holders for teaching jobs in Government sectors. CBSE conducts CTET twice a year to fill the teacher vacancies across India.
The rationale for including the TET as a minimum qualification for a person to be eligible for appointment as a teacher is as under:
- It would bring national standards and benchmark of teacher quality in the recruitment process.
- It would induce teacher education institutions and students from these institutions to further improve their performance standards;
- It would send a positive signal to all stakeholders that the Government lays special emphasis on teacher quality.
Emphasis on teaching profession has comparatively increased as it is brings knowledge, money, fame, and experience which is worth the efforts being put in by every individual. Maybe this is the reason as to why we are seeing an increase in the number of aspirants for CTET, year by year. CLEAR EXAM has taken up the initiative to inform the aspirants about the latest notifications regarding CTET in the below sections.
We hope that the information provided above is useful to you in every step of your CTET EXAM. For further queries kindly contact CLEAR EXAM (SUCCESS MANTRA).