KVS PGT TGT PRT Exam Syllabus 2018
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) is soon to release the KVS Recruitment Notification 2018. As per the notification, candidates have to appear for written exam for PGT, TGT and PRT Teaching jobs. KVS Teachers Selection scheme is divided into different tiers, first, there is Written Exam and then an Interview will be taken of the successful candidates. For the Written exam, KVS Recruitment Notification has a prescribed syllabus, knowledge of KVS Syllabus and KVS Exam Pattern for PRT, PGT, TGT is essential to crack the exam. So, we are sharing the detail syllabus of KVS PGT TGT PRT Exam 2018.
1. KVS TGT PGT PRT Syllabus for English:
- Basic Grammar (Noun, Pronoun, Verb etc)
- Sentence Structure
- Fillers
- Idiom / Phrase
- One word substitution
- Spotting Error
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
2. KVS TGT PGT PRT Syllabus for Hindi:
- हिंदी व्याकरण (संधि, समास,कारक,....)
- उपसर्ग / प्रत्यय
- पर्यायवाची/विलोम शब्द
- मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ
- वर्तनी -त्रुटि
- अनेक शब्दो के लिए एक शब्द
- वाक्य सुधार
- वाक्यों में त्रुटिया
3. KVS TGT PGT PRT Syllabus for General Intelligence(Reasoning):
- Logical Reasoning
- Arithmetic Reasoning
- Similarities / Differences.
- Blood Relation
- Number Series/Letter/Symbol Series.
- Figures/Verbal Classification.
- Coding - Decoding.
- Ranking.
- Non-verbal series.
- Analogies/Word Formulation
- Direction.
4. KVS TGT PGT PRT Syllabus for General Knowledge & Current Affairs:
- History of India
- Geography of India
- Constitution of India
- Economic Issues in India
- Books and Authors.
- Countries & Capitals.
- Sports.
- Awards and Honours.
- Science & Technology.
- National & International News.
- Capitals of India.
- International & National Organizations
- Appointments
5. KVS TGT PGT PRT Syllabus for Teaching Methodology:
- Teaching Ability
- Learning and Pedagogy
- Aptitude and Development of Student
- Child-Centered and Progressive Education
- Development Teacher Education India
- Responsibility / Duties of Teacher Inclusive Education
- Experiments Related to School & New Findings Activities
- Methods & Theories
- Reports & Tests
- Responsibility towards Societies
Additional Subject for KVS PGT Teacher
1. KVS PGT Syllabus for Mathematics:
- Simplification
- Number System
- Profit and Loss,
- Average and Percentages
- Simple and Compound Interest,
- Ratio & Proportions,
- Time & Work
- Time & Distance
- Data Interpretation
2. Concerned Subject:
This is very important subject and 100 question will ask from this subject. Concerned Subjects depend on the subject chosen by the candidates.The subject like Geography, Biology, Hindi, Chemistry, Commerce, Economics, English, History, Maths, Physics, Information Technology, Science, Social Studies may be concerned subject chosen by the candidates.