Formats Of Questions On 'Ordering Of Words In A Sentence'
In addition to what you have learnt so far, there are certain other types of questions asked in competitive examinations, wherein the format generally varies and the knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, spellings etc. attained so far would be sufficient to help tackle these questions.
Few essential tips to arrange the jumbled words in sequence:
· The sequence formed should communicate a clear meaning of the sentence.
· Beginning of the sentence should be made either with a noun or with a pronoun.
· Always put an adjective before a noun and adverb after a verb to maintain the correct order of the sentence.
Above-mentioned tips will always help in re-arranging the jumbled words in a proper and sequential order, which is our main aim behind teaching how to do jumbled words' questions
The following questions have been taken from the previous years' examination papers to familiarize you with the type and format of such questions:
A sentence split into six parts will be given in these questions. The first and the last part of the sentence are numbered I and 6. The rest are marked R Q, R and S and not given in their proper order. You have to rearrange these parts to make a meaningful sentence along with the first (I) and the last part (6).
Example I
In the following questions, the first and the last part of the sentence are numbered I and 6. The remaining parts, labeled R Q, R and S, are not in their proper order. Select from answer choices provided, under each question, the combinations to make a meaningful and correct sentence:
(I) Freedom, which
(P) in the sense (Q) that a wide gulf separates
(R) a modern woman enjoys (S) is the restricted kind
(6) the rich and the poor women
(a) PQRS (b) RSPQ (c)QPRS (d)SRQP
Answer would be option [b]. In this type of sentence jumbles, it is easy to figure out the links given that you have the initial part of the sentence and the end of the sentence fixed. Here, for example, you know the phrase has to follow "freedom, which". Which can only be logically followed by R out of all the options.
Example 2
(l) The advantage of traveling
(P) customs and manners is that
(Q) we learn to appreciate the good point of others
(R) to different places and having
(S) the opportunity of observing people's
(6) whom we get to interact with
(a)QRSP (b)PQRS (b) PQRS (d) SPQR
Answer is option [c]. Again, if you find the linkage with the first and last fragment, you would not find it difficult to mark the correct answer.
Here, you are required to arrange the jumbled words in a proper sequence to form a meaningful sentence. The jumbled words have to be arranged in correct order to give a meaning.
Example 3
(A) honest enough (B) and kept it in (C) to admit he (D) took a 10 lakh (E) he was (F) the cupboard (G)bribe
The correct answer is [b]. He was honest enough to admit he took a 10 lakh bribe and kept it in the cupboard. No other option is correct as otherwise the sequence of jumbled sentences will not be right.
Example 4
(A) scientists (B) of our (C) celebrate the (D) it was (E) victory (F) the year (G) to
The correct answer is [c] It was the year to celebrate the victory of our scientists.
Like rearranging jumbled up words in a sentence, there may also be questions on rearranging jumbled up sentences of a given paragraph such that a meaningful paragraph is formed.
Example 5
(A) In the west, Allied Forces had fought their way through southern Italy as far as Rome.
(B) in June 1944, Germany's military position in World War II appeared hopeless.
(C) In Britain, the task of amassing men and materials for the liberation of northern Europe had been completed.
(D) The Red Army was poised to drive the Nazis back through Poland.
(E) The situation on the eastern front was catastrophic.
B (BEDAC) - The time (1944) should come first and after that the situation be described. This is only one choice that fits.
Example 6
(A) He felt justified in bypassing the Congress altogether on a variety of moves.
(B) At times he was fighting the entire Congress.
(C) Bush felt he had a mission to restore power to the presidency.
(D) Bush was not fighting just the democrats.
(E) Representative democracy is a messy business, and a CEO of the White House does not like a legislature of second guessers and time wasters.
D (ECDBA) 'E' gives the introduction to the paragraph "representative democracy" and statement 'C' directly follows since Bush was trying to correct that.
In this format, the first and the last sentences of the passage are in order and are numbered I and 6. The rest of the passage is split into four parts named F,Q,R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order, as they should appear in the paragraph. You have to read the passage and find out which of the for combinations (marked a-d) correctly forms the sequence of sentence in the passage:
Example 7
SI. 1 here was once a hardworking and poor, but well contended farm worker.
P. The farm Worker buried the silver coins, under the ground.
Q. He used to work all day in his farm and enjoy the gifts of nature.
R. The village Sarpanch gave him a bag containing some silver coins to keep.
S. His rich Sarpanch took pity upon the farm-worker.
S6. From that day the poor farm-worker's happiness vanished.
(a) SQPR (b) QSPR (c) RQPS (d) QSRP
The correct answer here would be option D. Connecting the lines with the I st and the 6th sentence, its only the option D that fits the bill.
Example 8
SI. Anything you do that gives you some form of mental relaxation and peace will benefit your heart and body.
P. In fact, never choose an activity just because it is good for you.
Q. By all means do some relaxing exercises, and even tire yourself to some extent perhaps.
R. If you can combine these with enjoyment as a routine then so much the better.
S. Otherwise, you will soon get bored of it.
S6. But do not indulge in very hard exercises; give into the warning signals from your body,
(a) QSRP (b) PRSQ (c) QRPS (d) PSRQ
One way of doing this fast is by finding connections with the given sentences. For instance, in this example, the only logical connect with the last sentence is Q which eliminates option A and C. From here again RS is a better connect than is SR. Hence, option B
Here, once you create a logical flow of sentences, you have to answer a series of questions based on the solution.
Rearrange the following seven sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.
(A) But all three have one focus - individual performance improvement.
(B) The importance of each component will vary from organization to organization according to the complexity of the operations.
(C) They are individual development, career development, and organization according to the complexity of the operations.
(D) Since individual performance improvement is at the heart of the HRD programme, HRD can be described as the area of congruence among the three components.
(E) There are three fundamental component areas of human resource development.
(F) It will also vary according to the critically of human resources to organizational efficiency and organization's commitment to improve human resources.
Example 9
Which of the following will be the SIXTH sentence?
(a) C (b) F (c) B (d) D
Example 10
Which of the following will be the FOURTH sentence?
(a) F (b) C (c) D (d) B
Before answering either of these questions, you need to solve the order of the sentences in the given question. A cannot be the opening sentence as it cannot start with "But". B cannot be the opening sentence either as it says each component. There has to be a mention of which component before. Similarly, in C, we do not know what "they" stands for. Likewise, the only E can be the opening sentence.
The logical flow from here becomes ECADBF. Hence, the answers to example 9 and example 10 are option B and option C respectively.